Legal information


Copyright 2024 Geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG, Zirndorf, Germany

All rights reserved. All texts, images, diagrams, sound, animation and video files as well as their arrangement are subject to copyright law and all other laws pertaining to the protection of intellectual property. The contents of this website must not be copied, changed, distributed or otherwise be made available to third parties either for trade purposes or for distribution. Usage of our materials on other websites is equally forbidden.

You may download the contents of this website solely for your personal, non-commercial, private use, in accordance with our Internet Guidelines and provided that you regard all copyright, brand and other protective laws, especially by not deleting the respective information or making it otherwise inaccessible or illegible. All changes or the use of the contents of our website for any other purpose is a violation of our rights and is expressly forbidden.


If not otherwise indicated, all trademarks mentioned on the PLAYMOBIL® website are brands protected by law of geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co.KG. This especially pertains to the brands PLAYMOBIL®, PLAYMOBIL® 1.2.3, PLAYMOBIL® RC Train and PLAYMOBIL® Funpark. These brands are protected nationally and internationally and must neither be reproduced nor copied, changed or used in any other way without the express prior permission of geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co.KG.


Our website has been created with the greatest possible care. Even if we assume that the information provided by us is correct it may contain mistakes or inaccuracies. Therefore, we provide this information without any assurances or guarantees of any kind, either express or tacit. Also excluded are any tacit guarantees concerning the trading capabilities, suitability for certain purposes or the non-violation of laws and patents. We exclude any liability for damages resulting from the perusal of this website directly or indirectly unless they were intentional or due to negligence on our part. We especially issue no guarantee that our website, its contents and/or the server on which it is located is not contaminated by viruses. Additionally, we point out that we do not supervise other websites containing a link to our website and cannot be held responsible for their contents.

Licence rights

PLAYMOBIL® wants to present itself to you with an innovative and informative Internet programme. Therefore, we hope that you enjoy your visit to our website. The intellectual property contained in it, such as patents, brand names and proprietary rights are protected and this website does not convey a license for using the intellectual property of PLAYMOBIL® or any third parties.

Your opinion

We would like to know your opinion on our products and our website. However, we want to point out that we do not regard any messages received from you as confidential. Furthermore, we have the right to use your information in any way we see fit and without any obligations whatsoever toward you. The information we receive becomes the property of PLAYMOBIL® on receipt and we have the right to use all ideas, concepts, know-how or technical information including the development, production and distribution of products without any obligation for financial compensation toward you.

Internet-guidelines for non-commercial web sites